Thursday, August 04, 2005

Cable hats and free raw wool

After a short period sans knitting, I am back in action. I went to Newburyport on Sunday to go to Yankee Homecoming, a festival with art shows, antique cars, live music, street venders, etc. While Neil and I were there, we stopped into the yarn shop there, Three Bags Full.
For the last six months or so, Neil has been begging me to knit him a hat with vertical cables out of this beautiful Irish tweed from Tahki that he bought. I have had a LOT of trouble finding a pattern, but when we were in the shop he saw a picture of one on the back of a Rowan catalougue.

I brought the pattern home and immediately started on the hat. It felt so good to have needles in my hands again. I started the pattern twice, misreading the pattern each time, before I realized I had to modify it to knit it in the round without a seam allowance. It's coming out really well, check out the pictures.
I should be done by tonight, so I'll update the finished hat when it's done.

PLUS!!! Fantabulous news for spinning!

My mother has a friend who has two pet sheep, a white one, and a dark one. She shears them every year, but doesn't know anyone who will take the wool. She's going to give me all the wool she's every sheared off of her sheep and now I am going to learn to spin like a maniac. I found a great video from the DIY network show "Knitty Gritty" that shows how to wash, card, and spin raw wool. It's exactly what I was looking for. I now know why my fibers were pulling apart when I was spinning, and I fixed it. I found a spinning wheel on ebay for $9.99 and it's in Halifax. (I'm leaving for a weekend in Halifax tommorow morning.) Maybe I can buy it and skip the 60 bucks for shipping by picking it up instead! (I'm getting all bubbly just thinking about it.)

If anyone knows any good yarn/knitting places in Halifax, let me know, and I'll be back blogging on Tuesday!

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