Thursday, March 01, 2007

New Spinning Group

I'm really excited to join Island Pond Spinners, a knitting and spinning group near where I live. My first meeting will be this weekend. I can't wait to see spinning. A friend's mother taught me how to spin using a drop spindle a few years ago, but I'm hoping someone will have a wheel I can learn on. Wish me luck!
Also, I need to bring a snack food: any ideas? I was thinking of bringing some curried chicken with rice and veggies. Recipes wil be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you go all out when called upon for a snack food. I usually just take a package of Oreo cookies!

Suelily said...

So how was it? And I'll second Diana's comment, I'd be really excited if someone brought curried chicken with rice and veggies to something I was attending! Thanks for the link about unwinding sweaters, I like it.